What is the course about?
This course, called BIM Fundamentals, is focused on obtaining the basic knowledge necessary to prepare for the Building Smart Certification exam, which you will be able to take with us.
It is an intensive course of 15 hours, which will allow you to have the basics to pass the exam and obtain this recognized International Certification.
The price of the course includes the Building Smart International Examination Fee.
Is this course suitable for me?
This course is useful for all those agents who are involved in contracts that require the application of the BIM methodology, who have some knowledge of the methodology, and who are involved in contracting or bidding, where Building Smart International Certification is valued.
If you are working with BIM Methodology and need to demonstrate your knowledge for tenders and bids, we recommend you to obtain the Building Smart certification.
What will I learn in this course?
In this course you will learn BIM fundamentals, such as what is and what is not BIM, Benefits of BIM for different stakeholders, basic BIM terminology such as EIR, BEP, LOD, LOIN, information deliverables. We will also see concepts of information management in models according to ISO19650, open and interoperable solutions, OpenBIM formats, and BIM implementation in the organization.
What do I need to sign up for the course?
In order to follow the course it is advisable to know something about BIM models but it is not a prerequisite to have used modeling tools.
What is indispensable is:
Internet connection
Computer, keyboard, screen and mouse because we work in practice (and if you have a second screen, much better).
Microphone so you can ask the questions live
Willingness to learn
What will I get at the end of the course?
At the end of the course you will have the theoretical documentation used during the training, in PDF. You will also have access to the course recording for unlimited time. We will conduct a training test prior to the Building Smart International exam.
And, of course, if you pass (95% of our students do, ) you will get the 1Auno Certificate of Completion, and in this case, more importantly, the Building Smart International Certification.